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2021 Summer_ College-High School Student Forum (Part 1)
大、中学生论坛--- 初中/高中规划

With the fall semester approaching, S&GA will host the Part I of 2021 summer college/high school student forum for our interested parents and students on July 31st, 2021 at 02:00 PM CDT. The first three student guests of honors we invited to join the forum will be from Oklahoma and Texas. Hope the stories and experience they are going to share, particularly those related to the middle/high school planning, will be conducive to your families.

Student Guests of Honors:
1.     Sean Cheng graduated from the Oklahoma School of Science and Mathematics and will be attending the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the fall. Throughout middle and high school, Sean has enjoyed playing Ultimate Frisbee and ping-pong. Sean hopes to become a professor after graduating from college. He is currently undecided in his major, but leaning towards math or computer science. In his free time, Sean enjoys listening to music; his current favorite song is Cheerleader remixed by Pentatonix.
2.     Justin Wu graduated from Plano West Senior High School and is attending Purdue University. Justin is currently majoring in engineering and plans to go into Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering during his sophomore year. He doesn't currently have any future plans but wants to go into a field related to engineering. In his free time, Justin enjoys swimming and playing the cello. Justin is also planning on joining the Purdue Orchestra.
3.     Raiyan Siddique graduated from Norman North High School and will be attending Olin College of Engineering. He is currently undecided in his major but is leaning towards Computing or Robotics Engineering. In his free time, Raiyan enjoys playing Minecraft and watching anime.

   大家好,虽值暑期休闲之际,相信很多家长也在为自己孩子的成长与发展做着相应的计划。S&GA 延续以往传统即将推出今年的暑期大学生、中学生论坛。我们此次所邀请的加入论坛的学生们分别来自俄克拉荷马和得克萨斯州。让我们一起来了解他们优异的履历背后都有怎样的付出,让他们分享一下怎样的初中/高中规划有利于今后大学的申请。

    Justin Wu 毕业于普莱诺西高中(Plano West Senior High School),现就读于普渡大学(Purdue University)。贾斯汀目前主修工程,并计划在大二期间进入航空航天工程(Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering)。他目前没有任何未来计划,但想进入与工程相关的领域。在空闲时间,贾斯汀喜欢游泳和拉大提琴。贾斯汀还计划加入普渡管弦乐团。

    Sean Cheng 毕业于俄克拉荷马州科学与数学学院(Oklahoma School of Science and Mathematics),将于秋季进入麻省理工学院(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)。在整个初中和高中期间,Sean 一直喜欢玩极限飞盘和乒乓球。Sean希望大学毕业后成为一名教授。他目前还没有决定他的专业,但倾向于数学或计算机科学。在空闲时间,Sean喜欢听音乐,他目前最喜欢的歌曲是 Pentatonix 的Cheerleader。

     Raiyan Siddique 毕业于诺曼北高中,将就读于奥林工程学院。他目前还没有决定他的专业,但倾向于计算或机器人工程。在空闲时间,Raiyan 喜欢玩Minecraft 和看动漫。

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